Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm in Rabat right now, which is a town on the coast of Morocco. We are staying with a French girl named Sophia and her German roommate. Sophia works for an NGO which does microfinance, although she said her major was in history, which made me happy.

Ross and I spent most of the morning having coffee at a beach side cafe, which is apparently something that all Moroccan men tend to do. I have yet to see a woman drinking coffee in a coffee shop. I am half inclined to think this would be a good tradition in America as well, although eavesdropping would become a lot less humorous.

Men in coffee shops are invariably seated facing towards the street. Only once did I see a guy sitting with his back towards the street, and I couldn't help but think of wolf packs, and that he was definitely the mangy wolf in the back with last dibs on sweet caribou meat.

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