Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Taiphoon Troubles

Today was a typhoon day, which is kind of like a snow day in the Northeast, but you make ramen instead of hot cocoa. Or so I'm told. In elementary I never got to miss school due to inclement weather, and was left envy all those Michiganites at home shoveling snow while I languished in San Diego's partly cloudiness.

Anyway, on typhoon day all school is cancelled, and the only businesses left open are the internet cafes and restaurants. Unfortunately, the phone companies are closed, and the DSL installation guys chose not to heroically brave the typhoon in order to hook me up with the internet, and typhoons tend to inhibit long-distance travel, so I spent a lot of time at the local internet cafe. Which is where I am right now, talking to the attendant's younger brother, Vic, and watching Taiwanese people play absurd looking Taiwanese computer games.

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