Monday, March 31, 2008

Why does it always rain on me?

It rained all day today. I got up and it was raining. Then I ate lunch and it started to rain harder. Then I drove to work and it rained the hardest of all.

Driving in the rain is never fun, but driving a scooter in the rain has to be the absolute nut low. I was maybe 3 minutes away from my house, staying somewhat dry in the 10 dollar poncho bequeathed to me by David when a bus upended a small lake on me. I stayed upright however, only to get similarly abused by a jeep on the bridge.

The good news is that is it only supposed to rain for another week.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Daguerotype Dreamin'

I decided it would be easier just to vomit everything onto my newly created flickr.

For people over 40, the link is hidden somewhere in this post, and that is my Easter present to you.

Monday, March 17, 2008

It's Been A Long Time (I Shouldn'ta Left Ya)

To borrow the words of legendary blogger Jim Anchower "I know it's been awhile since I rapped at ya."

Anyway, what was originally a six month paid vacation in Taiwan has been extended into a nine month work-study program in Taipei, so I find myself with a little extra time and a lot of extra money. This means that I can promise two things in the near future 1. A camera, with accompanying pictures. Of Taipei, not the camera. 2. A frequently updated blog.