Thursday, January 3, 2008


New Years was awesome! People from my class and Nathan's former classmates (aka The European Union) went to a friend's house near Taipei 101 to have a party. It took a really long time for the bus to get there because Taipei was pretty crowded, as you might imagine, so by the time we got to the apartment we drank the alcohol with the quickness and clambered to the roof. In that order, unfortunately. Then we drank more on top of the roof.

The firework show was amazing, from the little of it I saw. I would have some truly mindblowing pictures of it if certain Slovenians had loaned out their cameras or certain Mexicans were not busy drunkenly firing bottlerockets at nearby apartments. Here is a picture I stole from someone's blog.

Taiwan's Homosexual Terror Alert shot up to magenta after this terrifying incident.