Monday, November 12, 2007

Do I Speak English?

My Korean, Japanese, and Indonesian classmates speak a strange breed of English which is completely unintelligible to me, the only native English speaker in the room. The problem is that they aren't speaking English, but merely sprinkling "English" words into Chinese sentences. For instance, a Korean girl said "在韩国我们最近再有sauce。" Which means, "In Korea, we just got sauce again."

After about 10 seconds I realized she was talking about a recent SARS outbreak in Korea. To be fair, I should have understood what she was talking about based on context, because I came into class coughing and weezing, but she said SARS exactly like an American would say "sauce," so I was naturally distracted by what sounded like proper English, regardless of the context.

The worst part is, I sometimes have to intentionally mispronounce words to make myself understood. One of my students is named Neil, but whenever I call his name all the kids start cracking up and saying "Not Neil, NAIL." Neil sounds kind of like the Chinese word for cow, so I have to call this poor, misguided kid Nail all the time.

Other curiosities:
Cecil = seesaw
Bitch = beach